HoloTour on Mixed Reality Headset

Back in April of last year, I talked about the top 5 apps on the HoloLens. It was a pretty popular video… I guess “top x” usually are…

Anyway, one of the top 5 apps was the HoloTour app. When I first ran this on the HoloLens and saw the cobblestone appear I was truly amazed.

About a month later, I did a “Deeper Look” into the HoloTour app as a request from a subscriber.

Well, here we are well over a year later and I’m doing another demo with the HoloTour app.

This is also by request from another subscriber. It appears the app was crashing for them, but I didn’t have any issues running the app.

As of 8/23/2017 I’m running the Creators Update and for the machine I was running this on, I did not have any preview builds of Windows. My understanding is the latest fast ring is actually a lot more stable. Two of my machines are using that build, but neither have a powerful enough graphics card to run these MR devices. I prefer for my main development machine to stay in a stable state.

My machine is currently running a NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti. You don’t need anything that powerful to run it, but I did want to mention it in case you aren’t able to get the app to run.

It is interesting that even though HoloTour is definitely a VR experience, I enjoyed it more on the HoloLens. Even though the FOV was small, I was blown away originally.

I believe I feel that way simply because it was so new and I was amazed that my carpet turned into cobblestone. Truly being able see environment through these headsets was very nice. I guess I just wasn’t as impressed as I was originally since I already knew what was coming.

It looked really good.

So if you have a device and haven’t tried out HoloTour yet, go ahead. I’d be interested in knowing if you had any problems in getting the app to run.

Here’s a video of me playing HoloTour…

Tell me what you think!