So I’m going to be carving out some time to create HoloLens tutorials and wanted to know what it is you wanted to see.
I was thinking about starting with a simple bouncing ball and then adding in spatial recognition so the ball will bounce around the room off of walls and furniture and the like. We will have voice commands that will allow navigating through the different screens of the game (menu, pause, game play, etc). We would create a breakout style of game that would place bricks strategically in the room and make the player / camera the paddle.
What do you think? Would you be interested in seeing this become a tutorial series teaching that or would you rather see something else? Let me know in the comments. The more comments I get here and on my YouTube channel will let me know if I should spend any time creating this content, or spend my time doing something else. So please take a second and drop a quick line to let me know if you’d be interested or not and if there was some other sort of tutorial you are looking for in regards to HoloLens development.
Seriously. Leave a comment and let me know what kind of HoloLens tutorials you’d like to see.