Side by Side HoloLens Recording Comparison (Streaming vs. On Device)

I created a video to show the results from putting the HoloLens to the test with un-optimized code and then record the two different ways (streaming and direct recording on the device).


I show the app as it runs natively on a relatively beefy PC. The purpose is not to try and demonstrate the performance of the HoloLens. Instead, it is to see which recording method is the best on the HoloLens when it is already at its max capacity.

Watch the video here:

My conclusion is that recording directly on the HoloLens takes more of a toll than having the HoloLens stream what it sees to another PC. Now, chances are if my app was really network traffic heavy then it could be better to record directly on the device.

As with anything, your mileage may vary. Hopefully this was beneficial for you. Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments!

How to Deploy a Unity Game to the HoloLens Device – Step by Step

Make sure your computer meets the requirements and install the tools, which can be found here:


Video Tutorial:


1. Make sure your Unity game is set to be a Windows Store app in the Build Settings



2. Make sure the SDK is set to Universal 10. UWP Build Type can be either XAML or D3D. Build and Run on Local Machine. It is important to check the Unity C# Projects checkbox.

3. Click the Player Settings and under “Other Settings” check the Virtual Reality Supported Checkbox and then pull Windows Holographic from the dropdown. In order for this to be available, you must have downloaded all the right tools. (VS 2015 Update 2 or better, Unity 5.4.0b14-HTP or better)



4. Still in Player Settings, go to the “Publishing Settings” tab and then scroll down to the Capabilities section and select SpatialPerception.

5. Click Build from the Build settings dialog box. Select the output folder. I called mine “app”.

6. Browse to that folder and open the Visual Studio solution (.sln) file.

7. Change to Release if you want the best speed.

8. Change from ARM to x86. 

9. Change to Remote Machine.

10. Click the “Run” button to run on the Remote Machine. This still requires for the IP address to be setup. Check out my previous blog post if you have questions about that.

Leave me a comment and let me know if you have any problems or if this was helpful.

How to deploy an App to the HoloLens Device – Step by Step

Here is a step by step video I created to show how to deploy an app to the HoloLens.

Make sure your computer meets the requirements and install the tools, which can be found here:


If you’d prefer to have text instructions, you are in luck:

1. Make sure your HoloLens device is setup to be in Developer mode. This is under Settings.

2.You can deploy over WiFi by determining the IP address of your HoloLens. An easy way is to launch the Microsoft HoloLens app and see what it says the IP address is.

4. You can then select “Remote Machine” as the deployment target (instead of Local Machine). Make sure that the CPU is set to either Any CPU or x86 and not ARM.

5. When you Run the app, it will deploy it to the Remote Machine and you will see the app running in the HoloLens!


As an alternative to deploying over WiFi, you can just connect your HoloLens to your PC through the USB cable and then in Visual Studio select “Device” as your deployment target (instead of Local Machine).


You can see it is really easy to deploy an app.  Let me know in the comments if this was beneficial, or if you had issues deploying the application for some reason and I’ll try to help out.

How to Record from your HoloLens TWO different ways

In this brief tutorial, I’m going to show you how you can record from your HoloLens. In fact, I’m going to show you two different ways you can do it.

Above is a video explaining everything in detail. Enjoy!


Option 1

1. Live stream from your HoloLens to a Windows 10 PC and then have a screen capture program like XSplit, OBS, or Camtasia to record the live stream.

To record from your computer, you need to have some kind of screen capturing software like XSplit, Open Broadcast Software (OBS), or Camtasia. You will also need the “Microsoft HoloLens” app from the Windows Store. This app lets you manage the HoloLens and is a must have app. Besides letting you manage the HoloLens, it will let you stream what the HoloLens is seeing to the app. You can then run the app in fullscreen and have your screen capturing software like XSplit actually record the stream.

Option 2

2. Ask Cortana to take a video for you. She will record what the HoloLens sees (real and augmented reality … also known as mixed reality).

To record directly from the HoloLens, all you need to do is ask Cortana to “Take a Video”. She will start recording and to exit, you just have to do the “Bloom” gesture. That bringing up your whole hand in front of you and opening your fingers, mimicking a flower blooming. This will stop the recording. Once the video is completed, you need to use the “Microsoft HoloLens” Windows Store app to connect to the HoloLens and select Photos and Videos. Then select the Video you recorded and click the “Download” button at the bottom.