Using the HoloLens Outside

I wanted to see how the HoloLens performed outside. Would I be able to see the holograms clearly or would they be washed out? Would the sunlight keep me from watching a movie outside? Could I actually play Fragments outside and would the Spatial Mapping work correctly?

Check it out in my video:

I was pleased that everything worked as I would expect. I think I’ll be watching the next conference streamed on Channel 9 from the comfort of my front porch swing.

The video being played on my front porch can be found on Channel 9 at:

If you are interested in game development make sure you visit where I discuss game development using Unity. If XNA and MonoGame are more your style, then you might like the code I updated from my XNA Game Studio 3.0 Unleashed book last month. Stay tuned to see upcoming material teaching how to develop for the HoloLens!

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