Holographic Remoting Player app (and HoloLens Edition Xbox One Controller)

Using the Xbox One controller to drive a holographic car

I’m showing off the HoloLens Edition Xbox One controller as well as the brand new Holographic Remoting Player app.

That app, along with the latest beta version of Unity (5.5.0B4), will allow you to click play in the Unity Editor and see the scene on the HoloLens. It is pretty powerful. It is actually using the computer’s GPU and streaming the data to the HoloLens. So in a sense, this is a tethered experience (via WiFi and not actual wires). But the cool thing is that this tethering isn’t required and while certain apps can benefit from the extra horsepower others won’t need it.

I created a quick demo in Unity to use a car model and hooked it up to use the Xbox One controller’s input. Besides playing it through the Holographic Remoting Player, I deployed the app to the HoloLens as well.

Oh and in the video I start out talking about a contest where I’m giving away the HoloLens Edition Xbox One controller I designed. If you want to win one head over to http://LearnHoloLens.com/controller.

Enjoy the video!

HoloLens Magic Window Demo


This is a demo of the Magic Window for HoloLens. In order to obtain this effect you simply need to utilize the HoloToolkit-Unity package found at:


Under the Utilities folder is a Tests folder and inside of that is a WindowOcclusion.unity scene. The actual window object is made up of the 4 cubes that make the frame you see and then 4 more cubes that are large and one each side of the frame. There is one on top, one on bottom, one on the left and one on the right. These cubes have a material that have the WindowOcclusion shader applied. This occludes any item that is behind it. So the window can be seen through but the “walls” around the window are transparent to the user, but are really keeping the main scene from view.

This demo is a quick response to the #hololens_challenge found at

You should try it out. You could definitely create more complex meshes to surround the window, but the premise is the same. This is the same type of effect used in RoboRaid when you shoot your walls to expose pipes and cables, etc.

Enjoy the video!

Beyond HoloLens Spatial Mapping – Spatial Understanding


The good folks behind Fragments and Young Conker, Asobo Studios, released to the community their spatial mapping code. It is available in the HoloLens Toolkit and HoloLens Toolkit for Unity at GitHub. So make sure you check it out.

I’ll be creating a post every Wednesday, but I’m a day early this week…

As some of you know, I’m launching a brand new membership site around HoloLens development. We’ve had open enrollment open since last Wednesday, but the doors are closing tonight at midnight. They won’t open again for a couple of months. This is the alpha (as in pre-beta) launch of the site.

I wanted to let folks know about the site and the rapidly closing enrollment period today and have created another video around spatial mapping as that is what the first master class inside of Learn HoloLens will cover.

I enjoy producing videos for YouTube and will continue to do so. However, I’d like to go more in depth and create a logical path for folks wanting to learn the HoloLens and this is why I created LearnHoloLens.com

The video shows how this new Spatial Understanding plugin knows where the floor and ceiling is and where open spaces on the floor are. It can determine where it can place objects in the scene and it is really going to make our jobs as developers much easier.

It does a great job at recognizing platforms where you could place items. The code has been available for about 10 days. I expect to see a lot of great apps created that utilize this code in the near future.

I hope you enjoy the video!

If you missed out on the enrollment, jump on the mailing list. Also, you can signup for my newsletter over on my About page so you don’t miss other things coming up.

You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss any free videos I create.

Learn HoloLens Contest and Membership Site Launch

Go to http://learnhololens.com/controller and enter to win a HoloLens Edition Xbox One controller!

Today I launched a new membership site to teach developers how to develop for the HoloLens.

I took a break from creating HoloLens demos this week to launch the site and put together this contest where I’m giving away a Bluetooth enabled Xbox One controller that will work with the HoloLens, Windows 7, 8.1, 10 and of course the Xbox One console.


This is an official Xbox One controller from Microsoft. The design was made by me and the “HoloLens Edition” is not official in any way. This is not endorsed by Microsoft. I simply created a cool HoloLens Edition design and wanted to give one away!



If you are interested in HoloLens development, then check out http://learnhololens.com

If you want a cool controller, or design your own then enter the contest and you will be given a link to this design that you could purchase if you’d like. It is $89.98 plus tax.

I’m looking forward to this limited time launch of the membership site. 

It closes on 9/6 at midnight EST. This is an alpha launch (as in pre-beta) so it will be rough around the edges. The membership is the cheapest it will ever be. When I open enrollment again in a month or two for beta access, the price will be more.

Since opening it up this evening, we’ve already seen our first several alpha members join! Once Tuesday, 9/6 at midnight EST or the alpha slots fill up the cart will close. So if you have any interest in premium HoloLens content, then don’t wait. Sign up today!

Xbox One Controller Contest: http://learnhololens.com/controller

Learn HoloLens Membership Site: http://learnhololens.com/

I give more details in the video below.

Enjoy the video!